<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Office365 > Document Mail Merge |
Using ChannelCRM you can merge information into documents such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and e-mails. This makes it quick and easy to send good lokking e-mails and letters.
The way you merge a document depends somewhat on where (in ChannelCRM) it is from and on your preferences The starting point is almost always:
•An activity of type Letter: Here the merged document is typically a Word document.
•An activity of type e-mail: Here you typically merge a starting Outlook e-mail, which can then be opened directly and processed before it is sent.
•A campaign: Here you mail merge either to e-mails or to Word.
In all cases, you use merge document templates where fields from ChannelCRM are embedded in the text. In Word cases thus a normal Word document (docx), where the text contains fields as 0contactfirstnames0.
Merge fields you will find below:
Company |
Contact |
User |
Current User |
Project |
0companycompanyname0 0companyaddress1department0 0companyaddress1street10 0companyaddress1street20 0companyaddress1street30 0companyaddress1zip0 0companyaddress1city0 0companyaddress1city0 0companyaddress1state0 0companyaddress1country0 0companyaddress2department0 0companyaddress2street10 0companyaddress2street20 0companyaddress2street30 0companyaddress2zip0 0companyaddress2city0 0companyaddress2state0 0companyaddress2country0 0companyphone0 0companyfax0 0companymail0 0companyvat0 0companyweb0 0companyean0 0companybankaccount0 0companycustomerkey0 0companydebtorgroup0 0companyaux10 0companyaux20 0companyaux30 0companyaux40 0companyaux50 |
0contactfirstnames0 0contactlastnames0 0contactfriendlyname0 0contacttitle0 0contactsalutation0 0contactphonedirect0 0contactphonemobile0 0contactphonehome0 0contactemailaddress10 0contactemailaddress20 0contactemailaddresspersonal0 0contactbusinessaddressstate0 0contactbusinessaddressstreet10 0contactbusinessaddressstreet20 0contactbusinessaddressstreet30 0contactbusinessaddresszip0 0contactbusinessaddresscity0 0contactcontactfunction0 0contactean0 0contactssn0 0contactspouse0 0contactaux10 0contactaux20 0contactaux30 0contactaux40 0contactaux50 |
0userfirstnames0 0userlastnames0 0userfriendlyname0 0userjobtitle0 0useremailaddress10 0useremailaddress20 0userphonemobile0 0userphonedirect0 0userfaxdirect0 0userunitname0 0userstreet10 0userstreet20 0userstreet30 0userzip0 0usercity0 0userstate0 0uservat0 |
0cuserfirstnames0 0cuserlastnames0 0cuserfriendlyname0 0cuserjobtitle0 0cuseremailaddress10 0cuseremailaddress20 0cuserphonemobile0 0cuserphonedirect0 0cuserfaxdirect0 0cuserunitname0 0cuserstreet10 0cuserstreet20 0cuserstreet30 0cuserzip0 0cusercity0 0cuserstate0 0cuservat0 |
0projectsubject0 0projectstreet10 0projectstreet20 0projectstreet30 0projectcity0 0projectzip0 0projectstate0 0projectcountry0 0projectaux10 0projectaux20 0projectaux30 0projectaux40 0projectaux50 0projectprojectnumber0 |
Activity |
Quote |
Quote line (to be inserted in a table row) |
Opportunity |
0activitysubject0 0activitydescription0 0activitystart0 0activityfinish0 0activitystartlocal0 (no timezone) 0activityfinishlocal0 (no timezone) 0activitystarttime0 (without seconds) 0activityfinishtime0 (without seconds) 0activitystartdate0 0activityfinishdate0 0activitylocation0 0activityaux10 0activityaux20 0activityaux30 0activityaux40 0activityaux50 |
0quotesubject0 0quotebodytext0 0quotebodytext20 0quotevalidfrom0 0quotevalidto0 0quotepricesum0 0quotepricenetsum0 0quotetaxsum0 0quotediscountsum0 0quotenumber0 |
0quotelineidentifier0 0quotelinedescription0 0quotelinelongdescription0 0quotelineprice0 0quotelinequantity0 0quotelinediscount0 0quotelinediscountaspercent0 0quotelinepricenet0 0quotelinetax0 0quotelineunitprice0 0quotelineunitpriceorigin0 0quotelinecurrency0 |
0opportunityopportunitynumber0 |
The merge templates you create in ChannelCRM by the "Menu / More / Settings / Merge Templates". Here you can see the templates you've already made and you can create new.
The document type can be selected between Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint.
ChannelCRM is able to create documents based on templates. All work is done in the cloud, so you can just open the finished document with Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Outlook. The merge can be initiated from almost anywhere in the system. Just look for the button with the text "Merge document". The merge fields that can be used depends on from where you use the button. The more data that appears in the relationships, the more fields are candidates for mail merge. As a general rule try to initiate most merges from activities because these can have connections to the company, contact, project, opportunity, campaigns and the activity itself. And thus data from all these entities.
When you insert merge codes in a document, you should be aware that the two surrounding "0" must be included in the field. If you want the resulting field to be formatted (eg. In bold), then simply format the merge code field. However, please note that the complete code must be formatted - not part of the code only.