Office AddIn

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Office AddIn

If you use Microsoft Office on a Windows PC, you will enjoy ChannelCRMs AddIn for Office package. It makes it easy to track e-mail in CRM, create merge templates, save new versions of documents in CRM and several other functions.

If you have a large screen, you can also display the entire ChannelCRM inside Outlook and thus avoid having to download / save / open documents and answer security prompts from your browser in this regard.


Use of the AddIn is not a requirement for using ChannelCRM.


You install the AddIn by opening your access to ChannelCRM and the main menu, select More / About. In the About dialog click the "Office AddIn" button and follow the instructions.


After having completed the installation, open Outlook, select the Outlook ribbon button "File" and then "ChannelCRM". In the dialog fill in the fields:




The web-site of your ChannelCRM solution. ""


Yout user id in ChannelCRM. Most likely yout e-mail address.


Your current password to the ChannelCRM solution.


Clik "Save" to test the connection and save your settings.