Sales Models

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Sales Models

Generally speaking Sales Models serves two purposes:


1.Being indicative of sales, so that all involved are working more effectively toward the goal.

2.Being able to quantify the progress of the sales work - including being able to weigh forecasts.


In ChannelCRM we seek to accommodate both purposes - preferably in a way that it immediately feels like a relief from the daily routines and not as an additional burden.


Sales Models Basic


A sales model is an operational description of the prerequisites, circumstances, actions, and rules that together fully describe the development from concept to completion of a sales cyclus.


With the individual elements we mean:


Do we have a solution? Does the customer have a need? What is our position? Is there a budget? Can we deliver?

Who are we competing against? Are there additional requirements from our parent company? Do we have time and resources to conduct the sale?

What can we do? What should we do? Who should we talk to? Who do we listen to? What should we choose?

What things just have to be implemented? How to deliver?


The real world rarely fits a sales model perfectly. No sales model has the answer to everything. And no sales model in itself ensures success.


However, this is not necessary as lmost everyone who works in sales, is so far from working optimally, that even small improvements in methodology can result i very meassurable improvements. And should you be one of the few who are working at 100% efficiency, then a sales model - and your input to the salers model - will help your colleagues to reach the same level.




A good sales model can support the sales representative lacking experience.

A good sales model can inspire the sales representative who has much experience (but is in danger of stalling and repeating themselves).

A sales model facilitates cooperation between the sales person and the sales manager (same terminology).

A sales model gives better opportunity to assess the likelihood of success.

A sales model allows for methodological improvements over time.