KPI Templates

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KPI Templates






Number of meetings - with the user participating - during the last x days

Tid (dage); Goal (number)


Number of meetings - with the user participating - during the last x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Tid (dage); Goal (number); Relation; Aktivitetskategori


Number of phone calls during the last x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


Number of phone calls during the last x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Time (days); Goal (number); Relation; Aktivitetskategori


Number of phone calls and meetings during the last x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


Number of phone calls and meetings during the last x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Time (days); Goal (number); Relation; Activity category


Number of scheduled meetings - with the user participating - for the next x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


Number of scheduled meetings - with the user participating - for the next x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Time (days); Goal (number); Relation; Activity category


Number of scheduled phone calls for the next x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


Number of scheduled phone calls for the next x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Time (days); Goal (number); Relation; Activity category


Number of scheduled phone calls and meetings for the next x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


Number of scheduled phone calls and meetings for the next x days and where the company has a specific relation and the meeting is assigned a specific category

Time (days); Goal (number); Relation; Activity category


The percentage of companies - having the user as KAM contacted (meeting or phone call) during the last x days

Time (days); Mål (%); Relation; Activity category


The percentage of companies - on which the users is part of the team, contacted (meeting or phone call) during the last x days

Time (days); Mål (%); Relation; Activity category


The percentage of companies - having the user as KAM, on which contact is planned for within the next x days

Time (days); Mål (%); Relation; Activity category


The number of closed (won) sales during the last x days, having the user as owner

Time (days); Goal (number)


The number of open sales opportunities expected to close within the next x days and having the user as owner

Time (days); Goal (number)


The number of sales opportunities created during the last x days

Time (days); Goal (number)


This KPI will result in a chart showing the up to date sales forecast for the user. The result of the KPI in itself is the volume of planned sales opportunities for the next x days

Time (days); Mål (amount)


Number of overdue meetings and phone calls having the user as owner


Number of overdue plan-activities having the user as owner